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First Emirates Niksperience

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Before we even talk about India let me tell you how it all began. So, the trip was booked. There were 5 of us in our party. We were flying Emirates. Economy class of course. No way we could afford Business Class. So, I was sitting on my couch and I get an email from Emirates asking me if I wanted to upgrade to Business Class for $200.00. As I fell going up my steps trying to get to my laptop to book this upgrade…I was calling my friend’s cellphone, her work phone, texting her, clapping pigeons and sending smoke signals trying to see if she wanted to upgrade because I was not going to spend her money without her permission. I don’t know how many people Emirates had sent this email out to and I wasn’t going to miss out waiting on her. I called Emirates to see what I can do and they said they would split the ticket. As soon as I hung up from Emirates, she calls. I tell her about the upgrade offer. She says “No, it’s probably just a larger seat”. I say “well evidently, you have never seen Emirates Business Class”. Then we hung up. I called my other friend to see if she had gotten the email. She had. She had left work and was on her way home to get her credit card. To this day, she now keeps a credit card with her at all times. So she got the upgrade. Called my other friend, she was on the highway… how bout she pulled over on the median to check. She had gotten the email. So, she called Emirates and got the upgrade. Now remember the friend that said “No”? She went online and actually looked at Emirates Business Class. All of a sudden, she wants it. When I called Emirates, it was no longer available.

That Niksperience changed the way I travel. We had lounge access. A seating area separate from Genpop and a private car ride to the plane. We had a separate boarding door from Economy. When we sat down they brought us warm nuts and champagne for them and jinja ale in a champagne glass for me. The service is still unmatched to this day. We each had our own pods with leg room huge TVs. We were served a delicious meal and then your seat reclines into a bed and then it was lights out and night, night. That is by far my favorite airline.