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My Civil Rights Museum Niksperience

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 I don’t know how you take your coffee but I’m taking my coffee where the Honorable Andrew Young stared that Dr.. Martin Luther King had his beautiful death..

I love my 30 hour trips. You don’t need a whole lot of time and money in a place to truly enjoy it.

Stayed at the Residence Inn on Monroe. Thats a nice historical hotel! The staff…so pleasant. Let me early check in at 0930, late check out at 2 pm and upgraded my room.I was way happy about that!

The trolley was less than a block from the hotel. Takes you right in front of the Civil Rights Museum. It was an amazing experience. Full of emotions. To see the Lorraine Hotel, room 306 and 307, to see the boarding house where James Earl Ray stood and fired the shot. Just wooowww…its a must see.

Then my FIL-Father in Love . Picked me up and took me to dinner at Rendezvous. The ribs were good but not ouuuuweee good. The service was ahmaxing. I actually did a Trip Advisor in the young man. Sit in Darren’s section if you ever go.

The next day we went to eat at Central BBQ. I really wanted to get a good Memphis BBQ fix. And this was definitely it. I’d go here again. Mannnnn we talked and talked about all kinda stuff. Nothing was off limits. I love genuine conversations. Where no one is putting on for the put on. I’d rather do this than club any day.

FIL took me to Tunica so that I could get my gambling fix. Played for an hour and only lost $15.00 so I’d consider that a good day!

Memphis Airport was nice and easy was through check in and security within 10 mins and just chilled in the Delta Sky Lounge until take off.

Made it home safely! Whoop Whoop!!